
Adaptive Livelihood Towards Establishing Resilient communities (ALTER) Project

In Bangladesh, coastal communities face significant risks and vulnerabilities due to the adverse impacts of climate change. Seagoing traditional fishermen and marginalized farmers are particularly affected as rising sea levels, increased salinity in water bodies, and extreme weather events threaten their livelihoods and food security. These communities often lack the resources and infrastructure needed to adapt to these changes, making them highly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

In response to these challenges, AOSED is implementing the Adaptive Livelihood Towards Establishing Resilient communities (ALTER) Project in collaboration with Bread for the World. This project is focused on Paikgacha Upazila in the Khulna District, aiming to build resilience among vulnerable communities through sustainable livelihood practices and adaptation measures.

The ALTER Project is designed to enhance the climate resilience of targeted communities by implementing a range of adaptation strategies. These include promoting climate-smart agriculture techniques, introducing alternative livelihood options and strengthening community-based disaster risk management systems. By empowering local communities with the knowledge and resources to adapt to climate change, the project aims to reduce their vulnerability and build their capacity to withstand future challenges.