Initiatives for Sustainable Sanitation facility in SIDR-hit areas in Bangladesh
Following the devastating cyclone in November 2007, which resulted in significant loss of life and infrastructure damage, the affected communities grappled with contaminated drinking water sources and destroyed sanitation facilities, exacerbating health risks and hygiene challenges. With limited capacity to rehabilitate these essential structures independently, external support was imperative to restore sanitation facilities and raise hygiene awareness among the affected population.
To tackle the sanitation crisis, the project, spearheaded by AOSED in partnership with four local NGOs and supported by SIMAVI, Netherlands, focused on several key activities. These included conducting baseline surveys and needs assessments, developing educational materials, organizing awareness campaigns in communities and schools, and building the capacity of local WASH committees at the union and upazila levels. Additionally, the project aimed to establish linkages with local government institutions and relevant agencies to ensure sustained support and coordination.
As a result of the project intervention, significant progress was achieved in mitigating the sanitation crisis in the targeted areas. Twenty union and two upazila-level WASH committees became more active and played effective roles in addressing community needs using local WASH budgets. The project successfully enhanced the capacity of communities in adopting proper health hygiene practices and significantly increased sanitation facilities by constructing and repairing 1575 sanitary latrines at the household level. Through these efforts, the project not only provided immediate relief but also laid the foundation for sustainable sanitation practices, contributing to the long-term health and well-being of the affected communities.