

Date: 30 Nov, 2023


As we continue to grapple with the escalating challenges posed by climate change, international forums such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) play an indispensable role in shaping the global response. The 28th session of the COP held in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE, marked another significant milestone in the journey towards a sustainable and resilient future.

AOSED's participation in COP28 was characterized by proactive engagement, insightful contributions, and collaborative efforts aimed at advancing the objectives of the conference.

This report provides a comprehensive overview of AOSED's activities and initiatives during COP28, highlighting our key interventions, partnerships, and outcomes. It offers insights into the discussions that took place, the challenges encountered, and the opportunities seized, as we collectively worked towards forging a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all.

As we reflect on the outcomes of COP28, it is evident that the path ahead is fraught with complexities, but also ripe with opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and transformative change. AOSED remains steadfast in its commitment to driving positive change and fostering a global environment conducive to sustainable development and environmental stewardship.


Exhibition and Demonstration in COP 28

4-6 December 2023


The exhibition booth hosted by AOSED at COP28 was a vibrant hub of information, engagement, and collaboration. Designed to showcase the organization's activities, achievements, and future aspirations, the booth effectively communicated AOSED's commitment to sustainable energy and development.

1. Showcasing Activities, Achievements, and Future Plans: Visitors to the AOSED booth were greeted with a visually engaging display that highlighted the organization's key activities, milestones, and success stories. Through a combination of photos, booklets, and audio-visual presentations, attendees were provided with a comprehensive overview of AOSED's initiatives, impact, and vision for the future. This multimedia approach ensured that visitors gained a deep understanding of AOSED's work and its significance in advancing sustainable energy and development goals.

2. Networking with Like-minded Organizations: The exhibition booth served as a valuable platform for networking and collaboration. Representatives from AOSED engaged with a diverse range of stakeholders, including other organizations, government agencies, and industry leaders. These interactions facilitated the exchange of ideas, best practices, and potential partnership opportunities. By fostering connections with like-minded organizations, AOSED strengthened its network and expanded its collaborative efforts to drive collective action on pressing environmental challenges.

3. Generating Interest for Collaboration: The impactful activities and initiatives showcased at the AOSED booth garnered significant attention and interest from visitors. Many organizations expressed admiration for AOSED's achievements and expressed a keen interest in exploring collaboration opportunities. These expressions of interest ranged from joint initiatives and research partnerships to funding opportunities and capacity-building efforts. The positive feedback and enthusiasm received at the booth underscored the relevance and impact of AOSED's work and set the stage for potential collaborations that could amplify the organization's reach and effectiveness in the years to come.

In summary, AOSED's exhibition booth at COP28 was a dynamic and engaging space that effectively communicated the organization's mission, showcased its achievements, and fostered collaboration with like-minded organizations. Through strategic networking and impactful presentations, AOSED not only raised awareness about its work but also laid the groundwork for future partnerships that have the potential to drive meaningful change in the realm of sustainable energy and development.



Side event on

Action for Forced Climate Displacement: A Lifecycle Approach to Intervene at Source and Destination

December 08, 2023

AOSED have organized the side event titled ‘Action for Forced Climate Displacement: A Lifecycle Approach to Intervene at Source and Destination’ jointly with Refugees International, Université Paris Cité, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, Sustainable Population Australia (represented by ECO), and the International Society for Ecological Economics. The side event was moderated by Dr. Ainun Nishat, Professor Emeritus and Advisor of Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER) BRAC University.

Discussion Synopsis:

Dr. François Gemenne, Director – Hugo Observatory

The speaker started his speech by focusing on discussing the ACRONYM project, emphasizing its leadership under him and the active involvement of his team in running the project to address climate adaptation. He raised a critical question about the need for a global framework for adaptation or if adaptation should be decentralized, allowing each party to manage its adaptation strategies independently. About migration decisions, the speaker highlighted that these decisions are often influenced by individuals' perceptions of climate change, emphasizing the significance of micro-level factors. The discussion pointed out the importance of considering micro-level issues, such as the local population's perceptions and the willingness of specific global communities to welcome those who migrate due to climate-induced factors. The approach of the ACRONYM project involves a detailed examination of the micro level, specifically analyzing how migration decisions are made.

The project considers various dimensions, including the direct impacts of climate change and, more crucially, how these impacts are perceived by local populations. The speaker mentioned the development of innovative techniques within the project, aiming to visually demonstrate how the impacts of climate change are received and perceived by local communities. Overall, the emphasis is on understanding the nuanced aspects of migration decision-making at the micro level, incorporating perceptions of climate change, and creating innovative tools to visualize the impacts on local populations.

Dr. Anneliese Depoux, Director of the Centre Virchow-Villermé, Université Paris Cité

Dr. Depoux first discussed the project, led by the Institute for Central Europe in Bratislava, which aims to understand the impact of climate change on migration patterns to and from European cities. She said, that while discussions about the climate migration nexus often focus on the global South, there is growing concern about its impact on cities in Europe. Migration in Europe is concentrated in cities, and it is essential to recognize that climate impacts will affect both economic and political drivers of migration. Recent data from France indicates that among the top five countries of origin for asylum seekers, Pakistan and Bangladesh are on the front line when it comes to refugees induced by climate change. Global concern about migration crises is higher in countries where migration volumes are already substantial, such as Turkey and Egypt. Urban policies for climate adaptation and greenhouse gas reduction must align with policies for migration and integration. Migrant neighborhoods are often poorly connected and more exposed to climate impacts, highlighting the need for integrated policies at the urban level. Finally, she said that the potential shift in the perception of migration, as Europeans themselves may become migrants, is a key aspect the project seeks to explore, challenging traditional views on migration policies.

Isaac Kabongo, Executive Director - ECO

Issac Kabongo, representing the Ecological Christian Organization in Uganda, discussed the environmental and resource degradation caused by the influx of refugees into the country. The speaker highlighted the unique circumstances in Uganda, hosting over 1.5 million refugees in ecosystems situated in the Great Lakes region of Africa and the Horn of Africa. Challenges faced by Uganda include climate change impacts and conflict-related displacement, with rebels from the Democratic Republic of the Congo causing additional displacement. The project in Uganda focuses on both mitigation and resilience, aiming to restore degraded ecosystems, protect wetlands and forests, and empower local communities through initiatives like beekeeping. The interventions aim to create sustainable enterprises for men and women, addressing the livelihood needs of both host communities and refugees. Challenges include refugees' reluctance to engage in conservation efforts due to uncertainties about their future, and the high cost of providing firewood for cooking in off-grid areas.

The speaker emphasized the importance of integrating population dynamics and family planning services to address the challenges associated with high population growth in the area. The situation in Uganda resonates with the experiences shared in Bangladesh, where population dynamics impact the distribution of aid to refugees and contribute to environmental degradation. The need for innovative solutions, collaboration with various stakeholders, and addressing human rights issues related to population dynamics were highlighted as key aspects of the ongoing efforts in Uganda.

Qiyamud Din Ikram, Refugee fellow - Refugees International

The speaker, Qiyamud Din Ikram, representing the Afghan perspective, emphasizes the impact of climate change on the Afgan nation already burdened by decades of conflict, eroding the coping and adaptive capacities of its communities.

Afghanistan is currently facing increased frequency, severity, and intensity of climate disasters, including consecutive years of drought and widespread flooding, leading to internal displacement. The speaker highlights the undeniable reality of climate change in Afghanistan, influencing all aspects of life and livelihoods, especially for the country's agricultural population. The Displaced individuals in Afghanistan face two options: moving to nearby urban centers, straining existing resources and causing conflicts, or crossing borders, leading to legal and protection issues. The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is urgent, with almost two-thirds of the country requiring assistance, but the speaker emphasizes the need for local resilience and long-term solutions. He also emphasized that investment in early warning systems and disaster risk preparedness is crucial to address climate change effectively, shifting focus from humanitarian response to prevention and preparedness. The speaker advocates for the inclusion of displaced people and refugees in decision-making processes, as they are at the forefront of climate crises and understand the local challenges better. Empowering climate refugees to participate in high-level events like COP will give them a sense of agency and ownership over their future, providing better solutions for effective climate change responses.

The speaker concludes with three messages: involving local people in resilience building, including refugees in high-level events, and advocating for Afghanistan's inclusion in COP discussions, highlighting the country's absence from COP for the last three years.


Shamim Arfeen, Executive Director - AOSED

Mr. Shamim Arfeen, Executive Director of AOSED, a representative of grassroots people, shares his organization’s two decades of experience in dealing with climate change and its impacts. He emphasized the global and local challenges of achieving the 1.5°C target, discussed by global leaders on international platforms. He also discussed climate change as a natural phenomenon and human intervention, emphasizing the crucial need to address human-induced climate change for the sake of lives, human rights, and global well-being. He also stressed the importance of considering both country-wise and sector-wise contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, with a focus on the impact on vulnerable communities, especially in low-lying, island, and coastal countries.

He mentioned the increasing displacement of people due to climate change and emphasized the role of climate-induced factors in driving migration, including loss of livelihoods, education, and basic services. Points out the social and economic risks faced by displaced populations, including loss of skilled occupations, becoming unskilled laborers, and the subsequent challenges in adapting to new environments. The harsh realities of life for displaced families in megacities, including involvement in vulnerable occupations, human trafficking, and the breakdown of family structures were discussed as well. He concluded by mentioning the harsh realities of the continuous failure of the global communities to meet their commitments. Also, it suggests the steps local, national, and international communities, policymakers, and actors may take to face and tackle the climate change-induced human migration issue, and the demand of the grassroots voices. Finally, delivered the message that ‘Climate Justice is Human Rights’.  

Anju Sharma, Global Lead on Locally Led Adaptation - Global Center on Adaptation

In her speech said that the Global Centre for Adaptation (GCA) focuses on local climate finance and locally-led adaptation programs. The goal is to address the institutional gap in global architecture related to adaptation and add value by supporting International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in embedding adaptation in project designs. aims to address the challenges of climate migration, particularly in urban informal settlements. The initiative involves working closely with mayors in secondary cities, engaging local communities in planning processes, and developing adaptation plans at various levels—local, ward, and town. The focus is on widening the circle of stakeholders, including the port authority, to share the responsibility of supporting migrants and addressing vulnerabilities in informal settlements. Recognizing migration as an adaptation strategy, the organization aims to prepare both source and destination cities for the potential economic opportunities and challenges associated with migration. The organization’s initiatives collaborate with IFIs to link local communities, municipalities, and mayors to funding opportunities, emphasizing a locally driven approach. She finally emphasized that the complex nature of climate migration involves three main parties: hosts (local communities), migrants, and the government. Each situation requires a nuanced analysis, with a focus on empowering local communities to negotiate with governments and donors based on their climate vulnerabilities.


Press Conference

Civil Society Demands on Keeping the Commitment of Global Temperature to 1.5°C and Demanding Compensation to the MVCs

December 10, 2023

On December 10, at the COP28 Global Climate Conference in Dubai, leaders of Civil Society from the Most Vulnerable Countries (MVCs) gathered for a press conference, urging a commitment to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and mitigate the damages inflicted by climate change, particularly in the most vulnerable nations. The event, titled "Civil Society Demands on Keeping the Commitment of Global Temperature to 1.5°C and Demanding Compensation to the MVCs," was hosted at the COP28 climate conference center in Dubai by the Organization for Socio-Economic Development (AOSED). Representatives from various national and international Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including Dr. Emad Adly (RAED), Jahangir Hasan Masum (CDP), Mohammad Zobair Hasan (DORP), and Jocelyn Perry (Refugees International) participated. Shamim Arfeen, Executive Director of AOSED, delivered the keynote speech, and the press conference was moderated by Syed Aminul Hoque from the COAST Foundation.

Mr. Arfeen, in his keynote presentation, welcomed attendees on International Human Rights Day, stressing the critical need for global cooperation to address the challenge of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, especially in vulnerable nations. Despite commitments made in the 2015 Paris Agreement, these nations continue to face severe impacts, including rising sea levels and extreme weather events. He underscored the responsibility of developed nations to support vulnerable countries through financial assistance, technology sharing, and capacity building, emphasizing the promise made in the Paris Agreement to provide $100 billion annually for climate action in developing countries and ensure human rights.

The demands presented during the keynote included calls for developed nations to commit to a transparent roadmap aligned with the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR&RC). Additionally, there were calls to accelerate discussions on the Global Goal of Adaptation (GGA), urgently increase Adaptation Funds, advocate for a new Collective and Quantified Goal on Climate Finance, implement the Global Decarbonization Accelerator, and establish measures for displacement management from a human rights perspective.

Dr. Emad Adly expressed the view that current financial support falls short of minimum requirements, emphasizing the need to support development agencies to enhance their capacity for more effective interventions.

Jahangir Hasan Masum urged developed countries to consider investments or insurance to secure the future of climate-vulnerable populations, viewing climate finance through a human rights lens. He also expressed concern about the lack of political commitment in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations.

Mohammad Zobair Hasan highlighted the importance of prioritizing safe water and sanitation at COP28, aligning with UN declarations. He emphasized transparency and accountability in fund mobilization to ensure funds reach the affected communities.

Jocelyn Perry, focusing on climate displacement, emphasized that this issue is often sidelined, increasing the vulnerability of those already displaced or on the verge of displacement. She urged special attention to address this critical issue.




December 10, 2023


CSO group of Bangladesh held a demonstration inside Blue Zone where the participants presented their demands to cut down fossil fuels, establish a legal framework for climate finance and ultimately act for climate to save the Planet Earth.
A poignant message echoed during the demonstration was, "If you are Destructive, Nature will be Vindictive." This underscores the idea that human actions leading to environmental degradation can result in severe consequences, emphasizing the interconnectedness of humanity and the environment.

Another central theme of the demonstration was the assertion that "Climate Justice is Human Rights." This message underscores the belief that addressing climate change is not merely an environmental issue but also a matter of justice, equity, and human rights. Vulnerable communities, including those in Bangladesh, often bear the brunt of climate change impacts despite being the least responsible for causing it.

The demonstration also aimed to convey the urgency of taking immediate and decisive action to mitigate climate change. With Bangladesh being one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change impacts, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather events, the need for action is pressing.