
Side Event at Bonn Climate Change Conference

Date: 08 Jun, 2024

Venue: Room Berlin - UNFCCC

At the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB60), a crucial side event titled "Reducing Vulnerability and Displacement Related to Climate Change Impacts Through Enhanced Access to Climate Finance and National Planning" took center stage. Organized collaboratively by AOSED, RAED (The Arab Network for Environment and Development), IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre), NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council), and NORCAP, the event spotlighted the pressing need for dedicated climate financing in the world's most vulnerable regions.

AOSED, a key voice at the event, underscored the necessity of providing climate finance in the form of grants rather than loans. This approach, AOSED argued, is essential to ensure that countries at the highest risk of climate impacts can effectively implement measures to mitigate these effects without falling deeper into debt.

The discussion emphasized integrating climate finance into national planning frameworks to bolster resilience and curb displacement risks. Participants highlighted the urgency of mobilizing sufficient and accessible financial resources to support adaptive initiatives in the hardest-hit areas. The overarching goal is to protect vulnerable populations while advancing sustainable development objectives.

The event's discourse reinforced the critical intersection of climate finance and national planning in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change. Ensuring that financial resources are both adequate and accessible was identified as pivotal in supporting adaptive strategies and enhancing resilience in the most affected regions.